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  • 3 Myths About Staging Pricing

I'm doing a free, live Pricing and Shopping workshop next week but thought I would share a video I created that goes over what I'm going to teach (and also a a bit of a rant).  

3 Myths About Staging Pricing

In my free, live workshop next week I focus on talking about pricing AND shopping wholesale because those two items in your staging/design business work together very closely.  Hope you can join me then but here's a few tips to keep in mind...

Myth #1 - It's not About Your Expenses Cause Your Client Doesn't Care!

You may have attended other pricing workshops where they tell you to make a spreadsheet of your expenses, figure out your inventory costs and then charge accordingly but guess what?  Your client's don't care about your expenses!  If your costs are too high compared to your savvy shopping competitor...you're in trouble.  While you have to cover your costs, it's more important to focus on lowering them by shopping wholesale.

Myth #2 - It's Not About Being the "Low Price Leader" but About Positioning

While it's important to be competitively priced by keeping your overhead costs down, it's more important to position your prices based on the home's needs and NOT on the lowest price.  Positioning and setting the right expectations makes sense to clients and they will more likely respond to the stager who explains the "why" of their pricing based on the luxury of the home.  If they want Walmart furnishings...they can go with the low-priced leader.

Myth #3 - You should not have pricing on your website

I'm a fairly transparent person and I like to go to websites and see the same...don't you?  I suspect MANY people are like me so they want to see specific pricing or at least a ballpark and they don't want to go through hoops i.e. consultations, long phone calls to get it.  Why not put a consultation price on your website?

Our industry is notoriously VAGUE about pricing and that's always been a bit strange to me.  Why?  Because you should know your hourly, you should know what to add (in terms of drive-time, specific add-ons that usually tie to your hourly) and you should have a fairly good idea what the vacant staging cost of a 2-bedroom townhome or a 5 bedroom luxury home is...and THEY SHOULD NOT BE EVEN CLOSE TO THE SAME!

In my workshop, I'm going to show you how you can give a specific estimate for vacant staging by knowing the answers to a few key questions...in other words, in less than 2-minutes!

If you disagree, join me on the workshop in the chat room and we can have a lively discussion about it!  

If you're looking into the industry and you're feeling overwhelmed with these details...don't.  I have a simple plan that is easy to follow so you can easily become a stager and keep your business...successful and simple.

Could â€œ Home Staging" be a Career for You?

Don’t miss this..!!

  • 7 Key Questions to Ask Yourself
  • What the Cost is to Starting this Business
  • Do You Have the Personality for This Industry?
  • How You Know If You Have the Design Talent?

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